Hi Folks,
Here's this year's result on the UN's vote against the US blockade of Cuba. I don't know when the UN will do something concrete to make the US abide by these kinds of votes.
The struggle continues,
Victoria Goods for Cuba Campaign
Overwhelming Support for Cuba at UN
United Nations, Oct. 28 (Prensa Latina)
The United States has remained in almost complete isolation for the 18th consecutive year in a new rejection issued by the General Assembly against the US blockade on Cuba.
The top UN forum approved Wednesday by 187 votes in favor, three against and 2 abstentions (Micronesia and Marshall Islands) a resolution titled "Need to put an End to the Economic, Commercial and Financial Blockade imposed by United States of America against Cuba." In that way Cuba's support increased by two votes, in comparison with 2008, while United States remained alone in the NO column with the same partners, Israel and Palau.
The text adopted by the plenary called the US to refrain from enacting and imposing laws and measures of that type in compliance with the UN Charter and the International Rights which reaffirm freedom of trade and shipping.
Once again it urged the US which is still applying laws and rules of this type to take the necessary measures, to abolish and leave them without effect as soon as possible and according to its legal regulation.
It also includes a new analysis of the issue in the provisional program of its 65 period of sessions to be held next year.
In its first report the document reaffirmed, among other things, principles of sovereign equality of States, no interference and intervention in their internal affairs and freedom of trade and international navigation.
It recalled Ibero American Summit declarations relating to the need to eliminate the unilateral imposition of economic and commercial measures against another State that hinders free movement of international trade.
And it also expressed concern for promulgating and applying laws and rules like the so-called Helms-Burton Act whose extraterritorial effects affect the sovereignty of other States, legitimate interests of entities and peoples and freedom of commerce and navigation.
In this respect it mentioned the 17 resolutions approved by the General Assembly every year since 1992 until 2008 and declarations and agreements from different inter governmental forums, entities and governments rejecting, enacting and applying this type of measures.
The resolution also warns that it continues applying new rules aimed at strengthening and increasing the siege and expressed concern for the negative effects of those rules on the Cuban population and those Cubans leaving abroad.