Monday, July 5, 2010

Quebec and BC Caravan to Cuba Crossings Successful!

to track the caravan's progress, attend events, or arrange interviews as the buses pass through your town, visit the pastors for peace website.

The IFCO/Pastors for Peace 21st US-Cuba Friendshipment Caravan – dedicated to and celebrating the children of Cuba – hit the road this weekend in Canada with events in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario.

This first of two successful challenges to US policy from the north was on Saturday from Quebec. Thirty members of the Caravane d'amitie proudly walked boxes of medical and educational supplies for Cuba across the border into the waiting arms of members of the Let Cuba Live group from Maine.

On Sunday came the crossing from Vancouver with aid for Cuba on a school bus from Saltspring Island decorated by local children. US customs had given indications in advance that the bus would not be allowed through to go to Cuba. Well…maybe they were in holiday weekend mode, or maybe the sight of 100 supporters from both sides of the border, plus a samba band, melted their resolve…and the bus went smoothly through. Or maybe they just realized that the blockade is totally discredited.

Two more Canada crossings, from Manitoba and Ontario, are due later this week – but today the US part of the caravan begins with the very first events in Olympia, WA and Greenfield, MA. By July 21st we will have 13 buses and one truck down at the US/Mexico border and ready to cross into Mexico and then on to Cuba!

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