Wednesday, December 8, 2010

cancun climate summit - for the capitalists, by the capitalists

it's no wonder the climate convention isn't going to accomplish anything. i think these gatherings are really just an excuse to assimilate big enviros into the mix so the capitalists can privatize whatever they haven't yet.  they really only want to take care of their own. check this partial list of participants (available on the it's no wonder the climate convention isn't going to accomplish anything. i think these gatherings are really just an excuse to assimilate big enviros into the mix. check this partial list of participants (available on the website) and watch democracy now to see what the regular people are doing:

Association of International Automobile Manufacturers of Canada (AIAMC)
Mr. David Adams 
Australian Uranium Association (AUA)
Mr. Michael Angwin 
Australian Coal Association (ACA)
Mr. Peter Morris 
Australian Aluminium Council (AAC)
Mr. Miles Prosser 
American Nuclear Society (ANS)
Ms. Connie Cherry 
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE)
American Chemical Society (ACS)
Mr. James C. Maxwell