Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
the times they are a'changing
viva, courageous people!! i wish i understood what you're saying, but i'm guessing it's the international language of "we're pissed off with your greed and corruption and we're not gonna let you steal our future"!
21M - DRY Berlin Berlin 1/3 - Frases (English Translation Below) from Albert N. Romero on Vimeo.
they're not pigs, they're robots
for more information about the brutal robot crackdown on peaceful protests in barcelona, click here.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Situation at Fukushima out of control
Thanks to Angela Bischoff for this.
Background: The engineering details of the Fukushima tragedy are beginning to be admitted publicly, while the biomedical details are still being glossed over. With fuel melting, vastly greater amounts of radio-active materials are released from the core than occur with the lesser types of fuel damage that had been postulated earlier.
Dozens of different species of radioactive materials were released in the form of vapours or particulates, susceptible for inhalation or ingestion by humans and animals, likely to be tracked into homes, schools and offices after being deposited in clothing, skin or hair. See .
The discovery that almost 5000 atomic workers have now shown signs of internal radioactive contamination after simply visiting the Fukushima site guarantees that Japanese citizens of all ages from the nearby areas have also experienced some degree of internal deposition of radioactive materials in their bodies. Nursing mothers are now showing measurable amounts of radioactive contamination from Fukushima in their milk.
The decision of the Japanese government to allow children in dozens of schools to be exposed to levels of atomic radiation up to 20 millisieverts per year is irresponsible and deserves to be denounced. (20 millisieverts per year is the maximum radiation dose permitted for an atomic worker in a German nuclear power plant, and actual doses are normally kept well below that regulatory limit.)
Not only are children much more susceptible to the harmful effects of radiation exposure than adults, but they are much more likely to track radioactive contaminants into their homes and schools in the form of dirt and dust, soiled hands and fingernails, and dirty play-clothes.
The world cannot afford to let the biomedical consequences of nuclear energy -- especially catastrophic accidents like Fukushima -- be mishandled and trivialized by the physical scientists who deal with the machinery and the measurements but who have little to offer to the population or even to the workers in the way of protection and understanding of the pathways of all the radioactive emissions. - Gordon Edwards.
Background: The engineering details of the Fukushima tragedy are beginning to be admitted publicly, while the biomedical details are still being glossed over. With fuel melting, vastly greater amounts of radio-active materials are released from the core than occur with the lesser types of fuel damage that had been postulated earlier.
Dozens of different species of radioactive materials were released in the form of vapours or particulates, susceptible for inhalation or ingestion by humans and animals, likely to be tracked into homes, schools and offices after being deposited in clothing, skin or hair. See
The discovery that almost 5000 atomic workers have now shown signs of internal radioactive contamination after simply visiting the Fukushima site guarantees that Japanese citizens of all ages from the nearby areas have also experienced some degree of internal deposition of radioactive materials in their bodies. Nursing mothers are now showing measurable amounts of radioactive contamination from Fukushima in their milk.
The decision of the Japanese government to allow children in dozens of schools to be exposed to levels of atomic radiation up to 20 millisieverts per year is irresponsible and deserves to be denounced. (20 millisieverts per year is the maximum radiation dose permitted for an atomic worker in a German nuclear power plant, and actual doses are normally kept well below that regulatory limit.)
Not only are children much more susceptible to the harmful effects of radiation exposure than adults, but they are much more likely to track radioactive contaminants into their homes and schools in the form of dirt and dust, soiled hands and fingernails, and dirty play-clothes.
The world cannot afford to let the biomedical consequences of nuclear energy -- especially catastrophic accidents like Fukushima -- be mishandled and trivialized by the physical scientists who deal with the machinery and the measurements but who have little to offer to the population or even to the workers in the way of protection and understanding of the pathways of all the radioactive emissions. - Gordon Edwards.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
awesome photos from spain's protests against austerity measures here.
and here.
and a story about its proliferation throughout europe here.
Manifestation à Paris, Bastille Democracia Real... by GerardFoucher75018
and here.
and a story about its proliferation throughout europe here.
Manifestation à Paris, Bastille Democracia Real... by GerardFoucher75018
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
oceans day festival
On June 8th @ École Victor-Brodeur, 637 Head st. in Esquimalt they'll build a basking shark to celebrate World Oceans Day.
Oceans Day from Daniel Dancer on Vimeo.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
palestinians and syrians enter occupied territory
Ali Abunimah wrote: A dramatic video published by the website shows the moment when hundreds of Palestinian refugees and Syrians break through the border fence from Syria into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights (part of Syria occupied by Israel in 1967 and illegally annexed in 1981).
The video, which appears to be taken from the Israeli-occupied side shows a group of hundreds or perhaps thousands of marchers carrying Palestinian flags heading toward the boundary fence. Spectators on the Israeli-occupied side – apparently worried about the safety of the marchers – call on them to go back because of the danger of land mines.
However, undeterred, the marchers continue, and break through the border fence as people on both sides call for the liberation of Palestine. As the marchers break through there are scenes of joy, high emotion and embraces with those on the Israeli-occupied side. One man is heard to say, “This is how liberation is.”
The video, which appears to be taken from the Israeli-occupied side shows a group of hundreds or perhaps thousands of marchers carrying Palestinian flags heading toward the boundary fence. Spectators on the Israeli-occupied side – apparently worried about the safety of the marchers – call on them to go back because of the danger of land mines.
However, undeterred, the marchers continue, and break through the border fence as people on both sides call for the liberation of Palestine. As the marchers break through there are scenes of joy, high emotion and embraces with those on the Israeli-occupied side. One man is heard to say, “This is how liberation is.”
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
remembering debbie norton, street newz vendor - may 14th
For All who knew Debora Norton,
I share this information regarding a service that I'll conduct for Deb Norton on Saturday, May 14 at 2pm at James Bay United Church 511 Michigan.
All are welcome to attend the service to give Deb the send off that she deserves. There will be an opportunity for persons to share their thoughts about Deb . No get together after the service has been planned.
This is what Rev Larry Scott had written that I will read out on his behalf at the service.
"I first got to know Debbie Norton through her then participation in the church choir. Over time she would keep me informed about various developments in her life. Prior to her getting her own space, she needed a safe place to store a number of her paintings. The storage locker at my condo seemed to serve the purpose nicely. Over time she was able to negotiate her way through better government support services, and she was able to move into a nice apartment. This also meant that she finally had room for her paintings again. It was exciting when the day came when I got invited to accompany Deb to an art show that featured some of her works. Unfortunately her new location was no longer in the James Bay community and it was more of an effort for her to come to church. This was particularly a challenge after she received her cancer diagnosis and had surgery, as well as treatments. Nevertheless, Debbie persevered with the new reality, just as she had persevered all her life long. I will always remember her courage to face whatever comes, and her independence in being her own person. I join all those who knew her, in celebrating the open and genuine manner in which she gave herself to friends and members of Victoria's street community. God has welcomed home a daughter, as God welcomes each of us." Larry Scott
Rev Ken Crassweller
James Bay United Church
Friday, May 6, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The Assassination of Osama Bin Laden
May 5th, 2011, By Fidel Castro - read the full text here
... In the carefully drafted speech announcing Bin Laden’s death Obama asserts as follows:
“…And yet we know that the worst images are those that were unseen to the world. The empty seat at the dinner table. Children who were forced to grow up without their mother or their father. Parents who would never know the feeling of their child’s embrace. Nearly 3,000 citizens taken from us, leaving a gaping hole in our hearts.”
That paragraph expressed a dramatic truth, but can not prevent honest persons from remembering the unjust wars unleashed by the United States in Iraq and Afghanistan, the hundreds of thousands of children who were forced to grow up without their mothers and fathers and the parents who would never know the feeling of their child’s embrace.
Millions of citizens were taken from their villages in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Cuba and many other countries of the world.
Still engraved in the minds of hundreds of millions of persons are also the horrible images of human beings who, in Guantánamo, a Cuban occupied territory, walk down in silence, being submitted for months, and even for years, to unbearable and excruciating tortures. Those are persons who were kidnapped and transferred to secret prisons with the hypocritical connivance of supposedly civilized societies.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
i'll bet someday they'll drop bombs on us
I’m in a bit of post-dental pain, and some combination of that, plus medication and hockey and music, has inspired me to think about how lucky I am to have a safe and comfortable place to be inside. The wind’s still blowing cold out there. I’m watching my surviving low income friends age and lose teeth. It’s really difficult to see a person with a full set of teeth one day, and then missing one or two here or there a year or so after.
I’ve just, today, invested significantly in my own body. Thank you, dad. Almost three hours at the dental office, with tea and hot rocks and lavender towels and new beautiful onlays, (otherwise, more patriarchically known as “crowns”), and the main reason I can do that is because my dad was kind enough to reflect upon me prior to moving to the spirit world. And put his concern for me in writing so the lawyers could keep his small amount of stuff from being stolen by "the government."
So thanks, dad. I thought of you on your recent birthday, like I do every year. If you’re searching for a good place to reincarnate, I guess it’s appropriate to say “Happy Spring.” Thank you for encouraging my independence.
Vancouver: Celebrate Voices of the Street tonight
Now that the federal election is over, and you need to either celebrate or commiserate, Megaphone would like to invite you to detox from all the politalk by joining us for the official launch of our special literary issue, Voices of the Street. The launch is tonight at the Waldorf Hotel (1489 E. Hastings) from 8-10 p.m. (Doors open at 7). Tickets are $10.
Voices of the Street is a 68-page edition of the magazine that exclusively features stories, poems and prose from Megaphone's community writing workshop program, which is run in treatment centres, social housing buildings and community centres in the Downtown Eastside and downtown Vancouver. Megaphone vendors buy this issue for $2 and sell it for $5.
Tonight's event will feature powerful readings from marginalized writers published in this special issue. All proceeds will go toward Megaphone's writing workshop program. Buy your ticket here. (If you are going to skip the event for the Canucks game, you can purchase a ticket as a donation to our program.)
Sunday, May 1, 2011
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